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Enoch pleads with the children of Seth and tells them not to go down, but refusing to listen, and burning
with lust, they descended the mount.  And so it happened that the sons of Seth laid with the daughters
of Cain.  Afterward, they desired to return and go up the mount, but they could not find a way. And when
they searched a way to go up by force; great stones fell down from heaven.  Many were destroyed by
reason of the stones and buried under darkness.  However, Noah was faithful and under the command
by God to take a wife. He chose the Emzara, the daughter of Rake'el his uncle.  Whom bares him
Shem, Ham, and Japeth (Iafeth). Now the generations from Noah unto Abraham were ten
generations. Beginning with Shem the first born of Noah.  Shem begat Arphaxad: Arphaxad begat
Salah: Salah begat Eber.  And unto Eber were born Peleg (division) and Joktan. Peleg begat Reu, and
he became the father of Serug.  Serug begat Nahor.  Nahor begat Terah (Thera) who became the
father of Abram, Haran, and Nahor. Now the Genesis accounts of Adam begetting children tells of
different story of who is the son of God and those who are the sons of men.  

     Gen.1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
     Gen 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
     Gen. 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.
     Gen. 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth: (Seth was after the image of Adam, whereas Cain was not).

Now according to the verses posted above, Adam had three children Cain (firstborn), Abel (Second born), and Seth (Third son).  Now the birthright goes to the first born according to the tradition of the seed of Adam throughout the Genesis accounts.  Yet, because Cain slew his brother on account of the blessing which was of God, he was cursed from the land.  Then we see that God proclaims that Eve did provide another seed instead of Abel.  The keywords here are 'appointed' and 'instead of'.
     Definition: 'Appointed' verb 1.To select or designate a person to fill a position. 2. To fix or set by one's own authority or by mutual agreement. 3. To furnish; or equip. 4. Law. To direct the dispositon of property to a person(s) in exercise of a power granted for this purpose by a preceding deed.
     Definition: 'instead' noun. To place as substitute or alternative.

     Ge 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath selected for me another seed as a substitute to  Abel, whom Cain slew.
     We see the second deed of Eve excersing authority in this verse; only in the bible it is placed as if God himself did not command her to whereas, in the book of Jubilees it states that Adam was encouraged to go in unto his wife.  Is this the only time this is done? No.  If you recall Sarah does the same in a later account concerning the inheritance, by insisting that Hagar's son Ishmael be driven out of Abraham's sight.  The reasons for this decision I will address later.  I pointed these things out to express that Cain was the first (Man) as indicated in a verse listed above, and Abel (was made VOID, Abel is 'Pan').  Seth was after the image of the first son of God 'Adam' therefore he himself was a 'Son of God'.  For it is written in Luke 3:38 '...the son of Adam, which was the son of God.'

       Sons of Men
     1. Cain (Hebrew Qayin/Kenite):possession
     2. Enoch (Hebrew 'Chanowk'): Dedicated
     3. Irad (Hebrew `Iyrad):fleet
     4. Mehujael (Hebrew M@chuwya'el): Smitten by God
     5. Methusael (Hebrew M@thuwsha'el): Who is of God
     6. Lamech (Hebrew Lemek): Powerful husband of two wives Adah and Zillah
     7. Adah bare Lamech twins: Jabal (dweller in tents and keeper of cattle); brother's name Jubal         (handlers of harp and organ. Other names (Habal/Yabal:'stream of water'or bought and         Hubal/Yuwbal:stream
        Zillah bare unto Lamech twins: Tubalcain:'thou will be brought of Cain' (artificer of brass and                 iron)and Naamah:"loveliness"  (keep in mind there is another Naamah (the ammonitess of the         children of Lot).  

     Note: AL; Action; process: Retrieval. Of, relating to, or characterized by: parental.
        Tub\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Tubbed p. pr. & vb. n. Tubbing  To plant or set in a tub; as, to tub a         plant. Tub\, n. [OE. tubbe; of Dutch or Low German origin; cf. LG. tubbe, D. tobbe.] 1. An         open wooden vessel formed with staves, bottom, and hoops; a kind of short cask, half barrel,         or firkin, usually with but one head, -- used for various purposes.
        Chem-adj. 1. Of or relating to chemistry. 2. Of or relating to the properties or actions of          chemicals.
       Chem-n. A substance with a distinct molecular composition that is produced by or used in a         chemical process. A drug, especially an illicit or addictive one.
       Ah- interj. Used to express various emotions, such as satisfaction, surprise, delight,               dislike, or pain.
       No-n. pl. noes (nz) A negative response; a denial or refusal.
       Meta- or Met-pref. 1. Later in time: metestrus. 2. At a later stage of development:        metanephros.  3. Situated behind: metacarpus. 4.Change; transformation: metachromatism.       Alternation.
      Meet-v. intr. To come together: Let's meet tonight. 2.To come into conjunction; be joined      Sela-n: Sela, a rock
     Bal-n: Satan (adversary).  Bel-n:sacred wood apple tree; also derived from Baal. Beautiful
     HU - The god who personifies the authority of a word of command. Hebrew
definition:pron 3p s he, she, it 2.himself (with emphasis) 3.resuming subj with emphasis  4.(with minimum emphasis following predicate) 5.(anticipating subj) 6.(emphasising predicate) 7.that,  it (neuter) demons pron. 8.that (with article)
         Keep in mind that according to the bible Lamech slew one of his own sons.  Is it possible (leaving the popular christian ideal and ignoring the order of the lineage) that Jabal the firstborn of Adah was slain by Zillah's son Tubalcain?
 Sons of God (Elohim)
     1. Seth (Hebrew Sheth/Sheath):'substitute'
     2. Enos (Hebrew  'Enowsh): 'man'; also the first to call on the name 'Lord'=Baal
     3. Cainan (Hebrew Qeynan): Kenan = "possession"
     4. Mahalaleel (Hebrew Mahalal'el): 'praise of God'; also descendant of Perez (son of Judah)
     5. Jared/Jered (Hebrew 'Yered):'descent'; descendant of Judah and father of Gedor
     6. Enoch (Hebrew 'Chanowk'): 'dedicated'
     7. Methusalah (Hebrew 'M@thuwshelach): 'man of the dart'
     8. Lamech (Hebrew Lemek): Powerful. English word for 'powerful' is Edra Anglo-Saxon word         'Edris' means 'wealthy' or 'Edrys' for 'wealthy ruler'.  'Ed' is the root word in European dialect      for  wealthy: add an 'e' to 'Ed' and you come up with the Greek word 'Ede' meaning 'generation'.
     9. Noah (Hebrew Noach): 'rest'; another No'ah means motion, mentioned in Num. 3. Noah has three sons named Shem (possessor), Ham (void), Japheth (substitute).

      Seth-n : evil beast-headed god with high square ears and a long snout; brother and murder                 of Osiris Seth, put; who puts; fixed
     Ha-interj. Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement, or pique.n. Abbr. ha The      angular distance, measured westward along the celestial equator, between the celestial meridian
 of the observer and the hour circle passing through a celestial body.n : (astronomy) the angular      distance of a celestial point measured westward along the celestial equator from the zenith      crossing; the right ascension for an observer at a particular location and time of day [syn:
     Enos-n: mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful.
     Jared-v.: Descent or coming down. 2. A Ruling

Mastema is the adversarial figure mentioned in the Book of Jubilees, the Accuser.  Interesting
though that Jesus himself claimed that Moses himself was the Accuser who stands up against the
descendants of Abraham.  He is said to be the one who stood against Abraham when tested
concerning his son Isaac. He flees from the presence of Abraham when he shows his obedience.
Of course, in another account, Jasher, it doesn't mention Mastema accusing Abraham.  But that the
Lord himself challenged Isaac on account that Ishmael boasted concerning the fact that, he being
circumcised at thirteen did so willingly, while Isaac circumcision was imposed on him as an infant.
Isaac responded that he would offer himself up gladly to be sacrificed.  The Lord heard and put him
to the test.  Mastema is a mysterious figure for though he is said according to other sources as a
adversary to the Israelites.  It is not clear as to who or what he was.  The book of Jubilees state he is
Satan.  However, since anyone could qualify as an adversary provided they are enticed.  He that is
written about as an evil person could be a fellow.  Here is a verse from the New Testament.

     John 5:45  Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: There is one that accuseth you, Moses, in whom ye trust.  

After the flood, Mastema's request was that the Eternal one tenth of the wicked demons
(descendants of the Angelic Host that rebelled), to tempt mankind; for Mastema stated that man's
wickedness was great upon the earth.  God granted him his request.  Now Noah was the son of
Lamech, the son of Methuselah, Enoch, Jared, Mahalaleel, Cainan, Enos, Seth (made after the
likeness of Adam), who is the son of Adam, the son of God (which is used in the plural sense
'Elohim').  Noah being the tenth son after the image of man. Enoch, seven thin the line from Adam
was transfigured (altered appearance').  And the seventh generation which kept the vow to their
Father (Abba) Adam.  The Fall of the sons of Seth begins with Jared, who according to the Book of
Adam and Eve, did come down from Mount Hermon.  According to the story, Satan disguised
himself as his ancestor Adam with the other patriarchs who died, as Ghosts or Spirits.  They lead
Jared to the camp of the Cainites first son of Adam.  The Cainites recognizing that these men were
strangers lead each man his wife or daughter to them.  And the Apparitions went in unto the women
of Cain. Jared understanding that the Apparitions were not his ancestors, cried out for deliverance;
and so he was returned unto his own people.  But when the sons of Jared learned of how their father
had gone down from the mount, they  desired to go down and join themselves to the daughters of

  The Book of Enoch 6:1-6
  1 And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters.
 2 And the ang(els), the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men
 3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza (Shem(i)aza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not
4 indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations
5 not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves
6 by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn
7 and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.
And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz (the same is Semjaza), their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel (Daniel), Ezeqeel (possibly Ezekiel), Baraqijal (Barakiel),
8  Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaq1el, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel (Tau-riel), Jomjael (Yomiael), Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.

Interesting to see the names appear in the verses although they are recorded differently.  And so it is
that the son of Obed-Edom was lead by their chief Shemaiah to rebel against the Eternal by taking
wives of the daughters of men. ( reference found 1 chr. 26:4)

Now the Bible gives extensive information concerning one genetic line which is of Adam.  But is
Adam the man molded by the 'Lord-God', the man of verses 26-31 of Genesis?  Well let's see.
According to chapter one the Elohim created both male and females on the sixth day, and it does
not say exactly how they came to be or what their names were.  Then they (creators of the first man
and woman) established the "Day of Rest".   The establishment of Adam through one diety called
Lord-God. The fact that according to Genesis, humans were established upon the earth, before the
creation of Adam indicates the possibility of an eighth day creation.  According to the Book of
Jubilees, Adam was created on the sixth day of the first week and his wife (Isha) was created
approximately on the sixth day of the second week (ordinance concerning the cleansing period of a
woman after giving birth (male/female).  Now the rib is symbolic meaning for 'wife'.  When Adam
saw her, he distinctively knew that she was made from himself (indication of wisdom and
understanding).  For this reason he stated that a man shall turn from his father and mother and
cleave unto his wife.  

The problem with this is, how did Adam understand the nature of a family, if he in
fact he was created having no mother?  If you accept the story of how Adam was created, then you
would say there was no indication of a mother figure, except possibly through the observance of the
animals themselves.  Why did Adam say that a man shall leave his father and mother?  Simple, he
had himself creators who were to him a Father ('Ab) and Mother ('Em/Om).  

Adam sealed his own destruction however, when he stated after seeing the woman that was made
for him that a man ('Adam/Ben/Baal') would leave his 'parents' and cleave unto his wife.  A perfect
example of wisdom gone bad.  For Adam's word did prevail through his choice to turn away from his
creators and cleave to that which was created.  Jubilees even gives us a period of how long he
remained in the garden of Eden (Ed-richness), a period of seven years.  After this time expired, the
serpent (animal) did come to the woman (created of Adam) and enticed her to eat of the Tree of
knowledge (which contained both good and evil fruit), and she then pressed Adam to eat, which he
did.   Their eyes were opened (Possible indication of the 'Shiva' Third Eye, Symbol of
Understanding).  Interesting, that Genesis indicates that before they ate of the tree they were blind
(ignorant as children/ben). Once their eyes were opened they knew that they were naked and made
aprons of 'fig leaves'.  When the 'Lord' learned of what they did they were cursed, the serpent to lick
the dirt, the man to work, and the woman to serve her husband as his subordinate.  So through one
act, was the order of things changed.  The serpent is symbolic of breaking the harmony between the
man, his wife, and the earth.  Keep in mind, Adam possessed the power of the 'Word', what he
uttered surely came to pass.   The man is also the (First born) and was entitled to all those things
pertaining thereto.  The woman in this case being naturally his subordinate by order of creation.
This is not what the first chapter of Genesis states in fact, it doesn't explain how they came 'To Be'.
Only that they were by the Will of the Great One.  Inotherwords, mankind and his bringing forth is a
mystery.  The problem with Genesis after chapter one is that everything else seems to give an
explanation as to how and when mankind was created.  That man was brought forth of Gaea (Earth),
the feminine aspect and of the air (Zeus) lord of the heaven.  Zeus is also lord governing over the
elements of the earth, the lord upon High ('Hai-Ai') remember Joshua destroyed the inhabitants of
this city.  Speaking of Zeus, we see an image of Noah (feminine) No'ach (masculine).  According to
the bible Noah was masculine and through his perfection (obedience) he was spared from a flood
that would come upon the inhabitants of the earth (Genesis/Worldwide flood); however, Jubilees
there were four primal locations or points upon the earth that was considered sacred.

The problem with Genesis after chapter one is that everything else seems to give an explanation as
to how and when mankind was created.  That man was brought forth of Gaea (Earth), the feminine
aspect and of the air (Zeus) lord of the heaven.  Zeus is also lord governing over the elements of the
earth, the lord upon High ('Hai-Ai') remember Joshua destroyed the inhabitants of this city.

Book of Jubilees 4:6 For the Lord has four places on the earth, the Garden of Eden, and the Mount of the East, and this mountain on which thou art this day, Mount Sinai, and Mount Zion (which) will be sanctified in the new creation for a sanctification of the earth; through it will the earth be sanctified from all (its) guilt and its uncleanness through-27 out the generations of the world.

This information is important for according to Moses this land was formally cleansed of the inhabitants due to their wicked actions. The verses can be found in Lev. 18:28  and Lev. 20:22.   Supporting the view that the flood was regional rather than worldwide.  This is further support in verses 1 Chr. 4:40 (NLV;(N)RSV). The KJV does confirm this or deny it, only states that Ham dwelt there.

Returning to the previous point, that the story of Genesis points to (Idol worship).  Adam is a depiction of the first Idol.
Description:  Man formed of clay (Gypt)
Man given the breath of life which is of 'fire'
Perfect depiction of the Greek myth of Zeus and his children.
He is the god of fire and the forge.

The image of Nebuchadnezzar of mingled Gold, Silver, Brass, Bronze, and Iron. Finally mingled with clay which is the cause of the Grand Idol overthrow; also an Idol mingled with the clay (Adamites) and is brought to its destruction.  This vision was interpreted by Daniel as representing the world ages.  Actually it depicts the ages of the Assyrian Empire.  Assyria became great in the time of Nebuchadnezzar and was considered to be the Gold.  But it shows the differences in the quality of the Empire as the precious metal represented in different parts of its Anatomy.  This also reveals the deminished state of the empire as we see the value of the metal varies.  The rule of other nations but rather other kings who would in turn begin to take wives of the Jews.   Recall what happened to the Assyrians in the time of King Ahaserus who betrothed Ester (the Jewess).  Haman sought to destroy Mordecai who refuse to bow down in reverence to him.  Haman then conspires to have him killed by revealing to the King (Ahaserus), that there are Jews who refuse to adhere to Persian Law (Was this a lie, it is not known).  Mordechai who formerly advised Esther not to reveal her true identity, then came to her after she was made Queen of Persia and reveals the decree that was confirmed by her husband through Haman.   She declares a fast that no Jew eat nor drink anything for three days.  She then comes forth to Ahaserus, which was forbidden by Assyrian law to present yourself before the King without being called (Qal).  

Esther was not King Ahaserus' principle wife, Vashti was.   During a feast, Ahaserus being in a drunken state amongst the seven Princes called for Vashti, that she may present herself before the princes, this was considered and insult to the honorable Vashti, so she refused the King's request.  King Ahaserus was furious with Vashti and at the advice of the Princes, had made a decree (Law) to put her away.  When Ahaserus was awakened from his drunken state he understood what was determined against Vashti and repented of what he had done.  The princes seeing how much he loved her and that he withheld from punishing Vashti, then declared that he should demote her from being Queen and place another in her stead.  Ahaserus hearing the council of the princes then took all the fair women of the men throughout the region, that he might choose one to take the place of Vashti as Queen of Persia.  This may in fact, be the period in which Enoch speaks of how the rulers and judges of the land took from the men of the earth women to become their wives all of whom they desired.  Mordechai understand possibly that no foreigner should become the wife of the King then told his niece to conceal her true parentage, in fact 'Esther' was not her true name, but it was given to her.

For this reason it is my belief that Mordechai knew that if the Persians transgressed a spiritual law declaring that they should not intermingle with a foreigner; how about if she was not a maid? Surely, this would lead to the Persians destruction.  This may seem to be a rather radical view to most, and I fully understand the emotions that this page might provoke, but I felt that it needed to be addressed since there are many inconsistencies in the verses themselves.   Also, according to the Jewish writing 'Megillah' Est(h)er is the wife of Mordechai.  After Mordechai understood through a dream the impending doom the Jews, or possibly the danger he faced in Persia, he devised a plan of deliverance.  But is this as noble as it appears, or did Mordechai cause his wife to be defiled to seek opportunity to remove Haman from power.  Thereby, receiving  this prestigious position himself with the help of his wife, who became the Queen of Persia?  This no doubt would secure the return of the Jews to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple with the support of the Persian empire.

Esther upon seeing the King, was astonished by the image of grandeur of the Golden wonder upon his throne with his men surrounding him with weapons in their hands ready to destroy.  And in her weakened state (remember she fasted for three days), her strength departed her before him.  In concern for his wife King Ahaserus did indeed raise himself up from upon his throne, and stretching forth his 'golden scepter' delivered Esther from judgment.   Ahaserus reassures her that she shall not die, but whatever she requested of him shall be granted to her.  And so she requested that he along with Haman should come to a feast in the women's quarters.  Haman overjoyed with her request that he should also attend the feast did so eagerly.  Now there are varying stories as to how Haman came to his demise.  One states that Esther did indeed ask for the presence of the King, but that in secret she also called for Haman to attend.  Naturally, Haman's joy at the request of the Queen led to him being seen in her presence before the King; and in a jealous fury then demanded that Haman be hung. The other side is that Esther reveals her true identity to the King and requested that her life and the lives her people be spared; Haman now realizing the danger he was in, and upon seeing the King's removed himself from the quarters furious on account of this conspiracy.  Haman fearing for his life and the life of his family pleaded with Esther for deliverance.  Ahaserus returns and sees Haman pleading with his hands upon his wife, in a jealous fit demands the death of Haman.  

The death of Haman however, did not remove the danger from the Jews, but it did open an opportunity for the Jews to defend themselves from those who would come to destroy them though out the hundred and twenty seven provinces.   Mordechai is given the ring (circa) of the King (melech/moloch), with this ring went forth a decree (Law) that the Jews should take up arms and destroy their enemies.  The Jews were successful.  Thus, begins the return of the Jews to their homeland to rebuild the Temple and the establishment of Purim (A Form of Holocaust, destruction of the Persians).

In the Greek myths the supreme deity was one of fire name Zeus and his throne wife was Hera. The keys of this is the roots of their names. Z can either be changed to (H) or (S) Seus or Heus.  The same can be done to Hera's name which is Sera or Zera.  These names are symbolic to point positions on a compass. The King of the North or 'Chet' and the Queen of the East known as 'Eas'.  Jesus stated to his disciples that he was the 'star of the Morning'.  In the book of Isaiah this is known as the Morning Star also known as 'Lucifer; The Greek's Venus.  Are the Israelites the children of the dreaded aliens/alians?  In this corporeal world anything may be possible.  But why all the secrecy as to who they truly are?  Strangely, the Bible makes it clear that they are the seed of those who descended two mounts. First descension took place in the time of Jared or Yar'ed, also known as Moses (Book of Jasher) who descended after being deceived by wicked spirits into visiting the camp of the Canaanites. Noah (feminine aspect as is statedearlier) in the Hebrew language means 'motion', and No'ach (masculine aspect) means 'rest' fromthe line of Seth, son of Adam.  According to certain Egyptian texts, an ethereal species entered into our atmosphere upon Mt. Hored (most likely the same mount on which Aaron died).  The ark is a celestrial ship (UFO) in which millions of angels entered this world, the same are called Gods or Goddesses, and Lords of the High Places.  It was by these beings that Sethantes (Seth) the biblical patriarch of the Bible was crowned by a female entity (recall earlier that it was Eve who selected Seth) along with his chosen councilors who were promoted to 'Lordship' upon Mt. Hor'ed, as instructed by the Jehovih.  The interesting thing is that in the glossary 'God' is also read 'Gawd/Gad' and is a man, who denies having a parentage. To refer to God as being the same as E-O-Him. This is stated as being 'blasphemy'.  The Ethereal beings through the power of 'Will Power' did enter into corporeal form and were known as the first man 'Edom'. In the egyptian language 'star' is 'rah' or 'rawh' meaning 'evil/bad'.  Combine the two words for east and for star, and you come up with 'easrah'.  The priest who was sent to teach the Israelites the law, he is also believed to be Edras.
 Ezra 7:1-10 1 Now after these things, in the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia (Keep in mind it is believed that this is indeed 'Ahaserus').  Ezra the son of Seraiah (father of one Yeshua), the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah, 2 The son of Shallum, the son of Zadok, the son of Ahitub, 3 The son of Amariah, the son of Azariah, the son of Meraioth, 4 The son of Zerahiah, the son of Uzzi, the son of Bukki, 5 The son of Abishua, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the chief priest.   

The certain names which were mentioned by Enoch that were condemned along with their wives and children.  However, in the Book of Edras these same persons were granted peace as long as they turned unto the Law and abandoned their wives and children.  But in the book of Nehemiah it states that they placed themselves under a curse. This view seems to be in agreement with the Book of Saphah. In fact, other sources speak of the priest and scribe known as Ezras as a false prophet along with others who would change the history of Abraham into lies.
 Property of Ezekiel Watcher's website.Title:Come and See icon (Copy rights 2002)   Read concerning the Jews and false teaching of Ezras (Bible).  Keep in mind, Ezra was from Babylon.  Babe

Lesson 2: Biblical Truth or Truly the Greatest Tale Ever Told.
(Coming Soon)