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Title 76
"Mighty Ones":"El" and a council of deities.Bible, in order to prevent any confusion between the divine epithet "Shaddai" and its profaned use among the pagans, deliberately altered its pronunciation, turning it into "shed[im]," the common word for "demons."(or is it just a clever way to hide the truth?)
 (means: premature death, childless)
(means: grief)
(means: cessation)
Chezib (means: lie, deceive, fail)
(means: in the sense of splendor).
 (means: to be erect, a palm tree-stand erect in Torah)
 (means: restraint, to deny, keep back, refrain, withhold.)
to come
(Arcturus, Revised Version the Bear)
(margin, and Revised Version, the twelve signs; margin, the signs of the Zodiac)
Greek sphingo
to join

The desired
with two natures (the despised sin offering)
The coming One with branch
The Cross endured (contrary rivals or natures)
The Crown bestowed (circle-one-comparison (of))
Assaulting the man's heel
The man grasping the serpent
The mighty man victorious
AL Zimach
Kaph (Hebrew )
the branch
the desired son
He cometh
one who rules
the Altar

the gracious one
Prince of the earth

nesher, and shir
(song or music).
an altar upside down, pointing to Tartarus
the place of sacrifice
the kid
cut off
Peka, or pega
the chief

horse; name thus come down
returning from afar
the Judge; called also
flying swiftly
who goes and returns quickly
Pisces Hori
the fishes (that is to say, swarms or multitudes) of Him Who cometh
Dagim (Hebrew)
the fishes
Syriac name, Nuno
lengthened out (that is to say, in posterity)

the weak
Cepheus is Greek from the Hebrew zemah
the Branch

Ethiopian name, Hyh
a king

Hebrew name Taleh Arabic Al Hamel
the sheep
or lamb
El nath or El natik
wounded, or slain

Al Sharatan
El nath
the wounded or slain
bruised, or wounded
El seder
the freed
the rebel
Hebrew Perez. Greek, Perses, or Perseus
The Breaker

Kar Knem
he who fights and subdues
who helps
Al Genib
who carries away
who breaks
Chaldee Tor. Hence, Arabic Al Thaur; Greek, Tauros; Latin Taurus
Messiah coming in judgment

Hebrew name is Shur
coming and ruling

Hebrew and Syriac name is Succoth

the band of the goats; bound, never to be again lost
the shepherd carries a sceptre (Trun), the top with a goat, and bottom with a cross
Hebrew Thaumim (from ta'am)

Persian Tistrya or Tistar
the Prince
the chieftain

Minchar al Sugia
the piercing of the deceiver
the mad
the bound
the deceiver
the enemy of Him Who cometh
waiting Him Who cometh
("lord")Hadad, was the Canaanite god of fertility The Great Baal was of Canaan. He was the son of El, the high god of Canaan. The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as a part of the Canaanite fertility rituals. These ceremonies often included human sacrifice and temple prostitution.In the most ancient texts, Baal is just one of the seventy sons of Asherah. But, in later texts, Baal is the son of El's brother, Dagon, and the consort of his ever virgin sister, Anath.
Baal of Peor
lord of the great light. The Moabite god who appears both as a male sun-god and a female moon-goddess. His name means "lord of Peor", referring to Mount Peor on the left bank of the river Jordan, the center of his cult.
"lord of the covenant,"
A storm god, Baal died in the spring, wailed over and buried by his consort, the love and war goddess Anat (compare the women mourning for Hadad-rimmon, i.e. Baal, in Zech. 12:11, and those weeping for Tammuz, the dying fertility god of Babylon But in the fall Baal revived, vanquishing Mot, the god of death and drought, and bringing with him the autumn rains. On other dying and reviving gods of the ancient world--Osiris in Egypt, Adonis in Syria, Attis in Phrygia and Rome--see  Frazer's The New Golden Bough.)
Jezebel the daughter of  Ethbaal king of the ZidoniansThe Syrian god of storms and thunder, called "lord of thunder". According the Ugaristic texts he resides on Mount Sapon and is therefore also called Baal-Sapon. The bull is his animal. He is similar to the Akkadian Adad
is the patron god of the Philistines in ancient Palestine. He is also identified with the god of Ekron, Baal-Zebub. He is also called 'Lord of the Flies', derived from the Hebrew "Baal-Zevuv".
Baal-Zebul ("Prince Baal")
Lord of Ugarit. Ugarit was a powerful trading city of the Canaanites, situated on the coast of what is now northern Syria. Its earliest beginnings were in about 7000 bce. By the year 3000 bce., it was already trading with the great city states of Sumer and Akkad to the east, with Egypt in the south and westwards with die peoples of the Great Sea, i.e., the Mediterranean.
Baal Shamin
In Syrian Semitic, one of the appellations of Baal. Literally, "the lord of the heavens".
The Phoenician god of fertility and the underworld. He is the patron deity of the city-state Byblos (near Beirut) and from there his cult spread all the way to Carthage. The Roman troops stationed in North Africa called him Jupiter Valens.
The west Semitic weather god and 'lord of the plains' in Lebanon. The city of Baalbek is named after him. In the Hellenistic time he became a sun and sky-god and the Greeks identified him with their Helios. Similarly, they called Baalbek Heliopolis.
The supreme goddess of the Phoenician city Byblos around 3000 BCE. Her name means "lady of Gebal", which the city was called in those days. The ruin of the temple once dedicated to her can still be found in the village of Djebail (some 30 km. north-east of Beirut), the former Byblos

Sardinia and Sicily, and sacrificing children played an important role in this cult. His names means something like "lord of the incense-altars". The Greek equated him with their Cronus and the Romans with Saturn. His wife is Tanit.
An oracular Canaanite deity, worshipped on Mount Carmel (Israel). His cult was fought against by the prophet Elia. Baal-Karmelos ("lord of Carmel") was popular until the time of the Roman empire.
A Phoenician (west Semitic) local tutelary god.

The Syrian god of healing (in the area of modern Beirut). Baal-Marqod ("lord of the dance") is identified by the Romans with their Jupiter.
The Phoenician mountain-god, named "lord of the two horns" after the two mountains with the same name in the Gulf of Tunis.
The Canaanite god of mariners, named after the Sapon mountain in northern Palestine. He fought and conquered the sea god Jamm.
 Mesha gods of Moab
The King of Moab who triumphed over the Israelites (2 Kings 3:4), whereupon he erected an inscribed stone, dedicated to the god Chemosh, as a thanks-giving.
The god of war and the national god of the Moabites. He is a jack-of-all-trades, and a master of most. He is equivalent to the Babylonian Shamash.
The sun. For the Sumerians he was principally the judge and law-giver with some fertility attributes. For the Semites he was also a victorious warrior, the god of wisdom, the son of Sin, and 'greater than his father'. He was the husband and brother of Ishtar. Shamash is represented with the saw with which he cuts decisions. In the Mesopotamian poems 'Shamash' may mean the god, or simply the sun.
 Eshmun gods of Sidon
'The holy prince'. The god of the Phoenician city of Sidon, and a god of health and healing. He was known in Tyre, Cyprus, and Carthage, but not in Ugarit. In the 5th century CE, Damascius identified him with the Greek god Asclepius. Possibly a version of Baal.
The chief Phoenician god, the "lord of the sky" and master of the stars, rain and thunder. His cult was spread over Carthage, Cyprus, Syria and northern Mesopotamia. He is depicted holding a sun with seven rays in his hand and he has a (half) moon on his forehead. The eagle is his symbol
is the plural for Seraph. The word Seraph is a conjunction of two Hebrew words, Rapha meaning healer, and Ser meaning guardian angel.The Seraph are few in number compared to the other orders of the angels, but their power and virtue surpass all of their subordinates.Some reputed leaders of the Seraphim are Metatron, Kemuel, Nathanael, Gabriel, and Lucifer.
These are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God's throne. They praise God, calling, "Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts". the only Bible reference is Isaiah 6:1-7. One of them touched Isaiah's lips with a live coal from the altar, cleansing him from sin. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying.
 Sabreael The only angel who can overcome the demon of disease.
Sammael (Samael, Satanil, Samil, Satan, Seir, Salmael, etc.) A combination of "sam" meaning poison and "el" meaning angel. Angel of the Kermes Oak.

Tharn" - meaning "Stupefied, distraught, hypnotized with fear. But can also, in certain contexts, mean looking foolish, or again heart brokenor forlorn" from Watership Down.
"Crixa" - meaning "The centre of Efrafa, at the crossing point of two bridle paths" from Watership Down.
"Elil" - meaning "Enemies (of rabbits)" from Watership Down.
'Ames' or 'Amos', and 'He(l)mon'
the sheep is called "Ames" (in Greek "Amnós"), the winter time is called "Heman" (in Greek "Heimón"), etc.
The sons of Sem
Elam and Asur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Hus, and Hul, and Gether, and Mosoch.
And the sons of Cetura (Ketura)
1:32. And the sons of Cetura, Abraham's concubine, whom she bore: Zamran, Jecsan, Madan, Madian, Jesboc, and Sue. And the sons of Jecsan, Saba, and Dadan. And the sons of Dadan: Assurim, and Latussim, and Laomin.
And the sons of Madian
1:33. And the sons of Madian: Epha, and Epher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa. All these are the sons of Cetura.
The sons of Esau
1:35. The sons of Esau: Eliphaz, Rahuel, Jehus, Ihelom, and Core.

The sons of Eliphaz
36. The  sons of Eliphaz: Theman, Omar, Sephi (Zepho), Gathan, Cenez, and by Thamna, Amalec (Amelekites)
The sons of Rahuel
1:37.  The sons of Rahuel: Nahath, Zara, Samma, Meza
The sons of Seir
1:38. The sons of Seir: Lotan, Sobal, Sebeon, Ana,  Dison, Eser, Disan.
sons of Lotan
1:39. The sons of  Lotan: Hori, Homam. And the sister of Lotan was Thamna.
The sons of Sobal
1:40. The  sons of Sobal: Alian, and Manahath, and Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. The sons of Sebeon: Aia, and Ana. The son of Ana: Dison
The sons of Dison
1:41. The  sons of Dison: Hamram, and Eseban, and Jethran, and Charan.
The sons of Eser
1:42. The sons of Eser: Balaan(m), and Zavan (Javan), and Jacan. The sons of Dis(h)an:  Hus and Aran.
Kings of Edom
1:43. Now these are the kings that reigned in the land of Edom, before there was a king over the children of Israel: Bale the son of Beor: and the name of his city was Denaba(Dinhabah).
Bale to Jobab
1:44. And Bale died, and Jobab the son of Zare of Bosra, reigned in his stead.
Husam to Adad
1:46. And  Husam also died, and Adad the son of Badad reigned in his stead, and he defeated the Madianites in the land of Moab: the name of his city was Avith.
Semla to
1:47. And when Adad also was dead, Semla of Masreca reigned in his stead.1:48. Semla also died, and Saul of Rohoboth, which is near the river, reigned in his stead.
1:49. And when Saul was dead, Balanan the son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
1:50. He also died, and Adad reigned in his stead: and the name of his city was Phau(Palu), and his wife was called Meetabel the daughter of Matred, the daughter of Mezaab.
Dukes of Edom rule
1:51. And after the death of Adad, there began to be dukes in Edom instead of kings: duke Thamna, duke Alva, duke Jetheth, 1:52. Duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phinon, 1:53. Duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke Mabsar, 1:54. Duke Magdiel, duke Hiram. These are the dukes of Edom.
Balaam = "not of the people"
Balak = "destroyer"
Baalpeor = "lord of the gap"
Just as Kouros Helios and Dionysos danced in the circle Dance with the Korae (Also called Nymphs, Graces, Muses, Horae, Nyads, etc.), They also danced with the cowherd boy KOUROI. As Leaders of these Divine Dances, They Both were called Choreagoes (choreographer = leader of the dance) and Kouros was called KOURUALES, meaning that He led the Sacred Dance with a FLUTE (AULOS).
(Hebrew Bá'ál; plural, Be`alîm.)
A word which belongs to the oldest stock of the Semite vocabulary and primarily means "lord", "owner". So in Hebrew, a man is styled baal of a house
So also we read of a ram, "baal" of two horns (Dan, viii, 6, 20), of a baal of two wings (i.e. fowl: Eccles., x, 20). Joseph was scornfully termed by his brother a baal of dreams (Gen., xxxvii, 19).
It has been asserted by several commentators that by baalim the emblems or images of Baal (hámmanîm, máççebhôth, etc.) should be understood.
Baal of the Covenant (Bá`ál Berîth (Judges, viii, 33; ix 4); cf. 'El Berîth (ibid., ix, 46}; one of the flies (Bá`ál Zebub, IV Kings, i, 2, 3, 6, 16,); there also probably was one of dance (Bá`ál Márqôd); perhaps one of medicine (Bá`ál Márphê), and so on. Among all the Semites, the word, under one form or another (Bá`ál in the West and South; Bel in Assyria; Bal, Bol, or Bel im Palmyra) constantly recurs to express the deity's lordship over the world or some part of it.
; the partly fish shaped Baal of Arvad was probably Dagon; the Baal of Lebanon, possible Cid "the hunter"; the Baal of Harran, the moongod; whereas in several Sabean Minaean cities, and in many Chanaanite, Phoenician, or Palmyrene shrines, the sun was the Baal worshipped, although Hadad seems to have been the chief Baal among the Syrians.
Baalis - king of the Ammonites at the time of the Babylonian captivity (Jer. 40:14). He hired Ishmael to slay Gedaliah who had been appointed governor over the cities of Judah.
Baalis, a rejoicing; a proud lord

2:3. The sons of Juda: Her, Onan and Sela. These three were born to him of the Chanaanitess the daughter of Sue. And Her the firstborn of Juda, was wicked in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him.
sons of Thamar
2:4. And Thamar his daughter in law bore him Phares and Zara.
sons of Phares
2:5. And the sons of Phares, were Hesron and Hamul.
sons of Zare/Zerah
2:6. And the sons also of Zare: Zamri, and Ethan, and Eman, and Chalchal, and Dara (presummed the son of Zerah/ or a Dardanian), five in all.
sons of Charmi
2:7. And the sons of Charmi: Achar/Achan, who troubled Israel, and sinned by the theft of the anathema (cursed thing).
sons of Ethan
2:8. The sons of Ethan: Azarias
2:9. And the sons of Hesron that were born to him:  Jerameel, and Ram, and Calubi/Caleb.
(Prince of Juda)
2:10. And Ram begot  Aminadab, and Aminadab begot Nahasson, prince of the children of Juda.  Elisabeth was Nahasson's sister
2:11. And Nahasson begot  Salma, the father of Booz. 2:12. And Booz begot Obed, and Obed begot Isai. 2:13. And Isai
sons of Isai
Eliab his firstborn, the second Abinadab, the third Simmaa, 2:14. The fourth, Nathanael, the fifth Raddai, 2:15. The sixth Asom, the seventh David. 2:16. And their sisters were Sarvia, and Abigail
sons of Sarvia
The sons of Sarvia/Zeruiah: Abisai, Joab, and Asael, three.
son of Abigail
2:17. And Abigail bore Amasa, whose father was Jether the Ismahelite.
sons of Caleb by Azuba/Jerioth
2:18. And Caleb the son of Hesron took a wife named Azuba, of whom he had Jerioth: and her sons were Jas(h)er, and Sobab(Sobal), and Ardon.
sons of Caleb
by Ephrata
2:21. And afterwards Hesron went in to the daughter of Machir the father of Galaad, and took her to wife when he was threescore years old: and she bore him Segub.
son of Segub
:22. And Segub begot Jair, and he had three and twenty cities in the land of Galaad.2:23. And he took Gessur, and Aram the towns of Jair, and Canath, and the villages thereof, threescore cities. All these, the sons of Machir father of Galaad.
Caleb knows Ephrata again
2:24. And when Hesron was dead, Caleb went in to Ephrata.

 Hesron's wife
 Hesron also had to wife Abia who bore him Ashur the father of Thecua(Tekoa).
 sons of Jerameel the firstborn of Hesron
2:25. And the sons of Jerameel the firstborn of Hesron, were Ram his firstborn, and Buna, and Aram, and Asom, and Achia. 2:26. And Jerameel married another wife, named  Atara, who was the mother of Onam.

 sons of Ram
2:27. And the sons of Ram the firstborn of Jerameel, were Moos, Jamin, and Achar
sons of Onam
2:28. And Onam had sons Semei, and Jada. And the sons of Semei: Nadab, and Abisur.
sons of Abisur, son of Onam by Abihail
2:29. And the name of Abisur's wife was Abihail, who bore him Ahobban, and Molid.
 sons of Nadab, son Onam
2:30. And the sons of Nadab were Saled and Apphaim. And Saled died without children.
son of Apphaim
2:31. But the son of Apphaim was  Jesi: and Jesi begot Sesan. And Sesan begot Oholai.
 sons of Jada
2:32. And the sons of Jada the brother of Semei: Jether and Jonathan. And Jether also died without children.
sons of Jonathan son of Jada
2:33. But Jonathan begot Phaleth, and Ziza. These were the sons of Jerameel.
no sons but Daughters of Sesan
2:34. And Sesan had no sons, but daughters and a servant an Egyptian, named Jeraa. 2:35. And he gave him his daughter to wife: and she bore him Ethei.
2:36. And Ethei begot Nathan, and Nathan begot Zabad. 2:37. And Zabad begot Ophlal, and Ophlal begot Obed. 2:38. Obed begot Jehu, Jehu begot Azarias. 2:39. Azarias begot Helles, and Helles begot Elasa. 2:40. Elasa begot Sisamoi, Sisamoi begot Sellum, 2:41. Sellum begot Icamia, and Icamia begot Elisama

 Caleb brother of
2:42. Now the sons of Caleb the brother of Jerameel were Mesa his firstborn, who was the father of Siph: and the sons of Maresa father of Hebron.And the daughter of Caleb was Achsa.
sons of Hebron
2:43. And the sons of Hebron, Core, and Thaphua, and Recem, and Samma.
sons of Samma
2:44. And Samma begot Raham, the father of Jercaam, and Recem begot Sammai.
son of Sammai
2:45. The son of Sammai, Maon: and Maon the father of Bethsur.
Epha/Ephrata (concubine) bares
2:46. And Epha the concubine of Caleb bore Haran, and Mosa, and Gezez. And Haran begot Gezez.

sons of Haran
And Haran begot Gezez.
sons of Jashaddai (?)
2:47. And the sons of Jahaddai, Rogom, and Joathan, and Gesan, and Phalet, and Epha, and Saaph.
Maacha the concubine of Caleb
2:48. And Maacha the concubine of Caleb bore Saber, and Tharana.

sons of Saaph, son of Jashaddai(?)
2:49. And Saaph the father of Madmena begot Sue the father of Machbena, and the father of Gabaa.
sons of Ephrata
wife of Caleb
2:50. These were the sons of Caleb, the son of  Hur the firstborn of Ephrata, Sobal the father of Cariathiarim.2:52. And Sobal the father of Cariathiarim had sons: he that saw half of the places of rest.
cities named after sons of Caleb
2:51.  Salma the father of Bethlehem, Hariph the father of Bethgader2:54. The sons of Salma, Bethlehem, and Netophathi, the crowns of the house of Joab, and half of the place of rest of Sarai.
Families of the sons of Caleb
2:53. And of the kindred of Cariathiarim, the Jethrites, and Aphuthites, and Semathites, and Maserites. Of them came the Saraites, and Esthaolites.
2:55. And the families of the scribes that dwell in Jabes, singing and making melody, and abiding in tents. These are the Cinites, who came of Calor (Chamath) father of the house of Rechab.
sons of Aaron
Nadab and Abiu, Eleazar and Ithamar
 sons of Eleazar
begot Phinees, and Phinees begot Abisue, 6:5. And Abisue begot Bocci, and Bocci begot Ozi. 6:6. Ozi begot Zaraias, and Zaraias begot Maraioth. 6:7. And Maraioth begot Amarias, and Amarias begot Achitob. 6:8. Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc begot Achimaas. 6:9. Achimaas begot Azarias, Azarias begot Johanan, 6:10. Johanan begot Azarias. This is he that executed the priestly office in the house which Solomon built in Jerusalem. And Azarias begot Amarias, and Amarias begot Achitob. 6:12. And Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc begot Sellum, 6:13. Sellum begot Helcias, and Helcias begot Azarias, 6:14. Azarias begot Saraias, and Saraias begot Josedec. 6:15. Now Josedec went out, when the Lord carried away Juda, and Jerusalem, by the hands of Nabuchodonosor. (21 generations from Eleazar)
sons of Levi
Gerson/Gershon, Caath, and Merari
 sons of Gerson
Lobni and Semei
sons of Caath
Amram, and Isaar, and Hebron, and Oziel
sons of Merari
Moholi and Musi
sons of Gerson
Lobni his son,
Jahath his son,
 Zamma his son,
6:21. Joah his son,
Addo his son,
 Zara his son,
 Jethrai his son.
6:22. The sons of Caath,
 Aminadab his son,
Core his son,
 Asir his son,
 6:23. Elcana/Elkana his son,
 Abiasaph his son,
 Asir his son,
6:24. Thahath his son,
  Uriel his son,
 Ozias his son,
 Saul his son.
 sons of Elcana(I)
Amasai, and Achimoth And Elcana
 sons of Elcana(II)
 Sophai his son,
 Nahath his son,
 6:27. Eliab his son,
 Jeroham his son,
  Elcana his son(III)
sons of Samuel son of Elcana(II) by Hannah
the firstborn Vasseni, and Abia
sons of Merari
sons of  Moholi
 Lobni his son,
 Semei his son,
Oza his son,
 6:30. Sammaa his son,
 Haggia his son,
Asaia his son. 6:31.
These are they, whom David set over the singing men of the house of the Lord, after that the ark was placed. 6:32. And they ministered before the tabernacle of the testimony, with singing, until Solomon built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, and they stood according to their order in the ministry.
6:33. And these are they that stood with their sons, of the sons of Caath, Hemam a singer,
  the son of Joel,
 the son of Sammuel,
6:34. The son of Elcana,
the son of Jeroham,
 the son of Eliel,
 the son of Thohu,
 6:35. The son of Suph,
the son of Elcana,
 the son of Mahath,
 the son of Amasai,
6:36. The son of Elcana,
  the son of Johel,
  the son of Azarias,
the son of Sophonias,
 6:37. The son of Thahath,
 the son of Asir,
 the son of Abiasaph,
the son of Core,
6:38. The son of Isaar,
 the son of Caath,
 the son of Levi,
the son of Israel.
 6:39. And his brother Asaph, who stood on his right hand,
 Asaph the son of Barachias,
the son of Samaa.
6:40. The son of Michael,
 the son of Basaia,
 the, son of Melchia.
6:41. The son of Athanai,
the son of Zara,
 the son of Adaia.
 6:42. The son of Ethan,
the son of Zamma,
 the son of Semei.
6:43. The son of Jeth,
 the son of Gerson,
 the son of Levi.
sons of Merari
their brethren, on the left hand, Ethan the son of Cusi,
the son of Abdi,
 the son of Meloch,
6:45. The son of Hasabia,
the son of Amasai,
the son of Helcias,
6:46. The son of Amasai,
the son of Boni,
the son of Somer,
6:47. The son of Moholi,
the son of Musi,
 the son of Merari,
 the son of Levi.

sons of Jether
 Jephunneh, and Pispah, and Ara.
sons of Shemer
Ahi, and Rohgah, and Hubbah, and Aram
sons of his brother Helem
Zophah, and Jimna, and Shelesh, and Amal

sons of Zophah
Suah, and Harnepher, and Shual, and Beri, and Jimrah, 37 Bezer, and Hod, and Shamma, and Shilshah, and Jithran, and Beera.
sons of Ulla
Arah, and Hanniel, and Rizia

genealogical record
These were their settlements. And they kept a genealogical record. 34 Meshobab, Jamlech, Joshah son of Amaziah, 35 Joel, Jehu son of Joshibiah son of Seraiah son of Asiel, 36 Elioenai, Jaakobah, Jeshohaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah, 37 Ziza son of Shiphi son of Allon son of Jedaiah son of Shimri son of Shemaiah— 38 these mentioned by name were leaders in their families, and their clans increased greatly. 39 They journeyed to the entrance of Gedor, to the east side of the valley, to seek pasture for their flocks, 40 where they found rich, good pasture, and the land was very broad, quiet, and peaceful; for the former inhabitants there belonged to Ham. 41 These, registered by name, came in the days of King Hezekiah of Judah, and attacked their tents and the Meunim who were found there, and exterminated them to this day, and settled in their place, because there was pasture there for their flocks.
Simeon drive out the remaining Amalekites Mt. Seir
42 And some of them, five hundred men of the Simeonites, went to Mount Seir, having as their leaders Pelatiah, Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel, sons of Ishi; 43 they destroyed the remnant of the Amalekites that had escaped, and they have lived there to this day.